
Our facility is especially built for veterans who use it to train their companion animals.

The classes and open training time and Veterans are always welcome to use the course.

The facility is always in use, providing top-notch agility training for all breeds of dogs. Our staff is dedicated to helping veterans and their companion animals get back into shape. With our help, these brave individuals can easily learn the basics of agility and eventually become an amazing team!

At Dogface K9's, we believe that everyone—especially veterans—can benefit from agility training! We are proud to serve our community by offering a safe and high-quality environment where people and their pets can practice this exciting sport. So come join us and let your pup take advantage of all the benefits agility has to offer!

Agility consists of obstacles such as tunnels, see-saws, jump poles, weave poles and A-frames. Dogface K-9 offers classes for all levels of agility—beginner through advanced—as well as open training time where you can practice with your pet in our high quality agility course equipped with all the necessary equipment.

At Dogface K9's, we believe that everyone—especially veterans—can benefit from agility training! We are proud to serve our community by offering a safe and high-quality environment where people and their pets can practice this exciting sport. So come join us and let your pup take advantage of all the benefits agility has to offer!

The facility is always in use, providing top-notch agility training for all breeds of dogs. Our staff is dedicated to helping veterans and their companion animals get back into shape. With our help, these brave individuals can easily learn the basics of agility and eventually become an amazing team!

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